The last blog post focused on the standard of duty for a municipal manager. This post is similar but is dedicated to the standard of duty for a local elected official. In general, this refers to the level of diligence, competence, and ethical behavior that is expected in their role as a councilmember, supervisor or any other position obtained through the democratic process.
The following are a Top 5 list for an elected official’s standard of duty, based on those responsibilities that are critical for maintaining public trust and ensuring that local government functions effectively and ethically.
Standard of Duty #1: Act in the best interest of the municipality.
Elected officials must be both diligent and competent. In order to achieve this one should be well-versed in the laws, regulations, and ordinances that pertain to their jurisdiction and role. Decisions should be made based on informed judgment, considering the best interest of the community, ensuring that all actions and decisions are fair, transparent, and follow due process.
Standard of Duty #2: Act ethically and with integrity.
Yes, elected officials are held to a higher level of ethical conduct. Officials should act with honesty and integrity, avoiding conflicts of interest. They should be open about their actions and decisions, providing clear explanations when necessary. Taking responsibility for their decisions and actions and being responsive to the community they serve. Elected officials must also abide by local, state, and federal ethics laws, and any codes of conduct specific to their office. And it’s always best to avoid situations where personal interests might conflict with official duties.
Standard of Duty #3: Be open, accessible and responsive to constituents.
The ability to engage with the public is an important attribute in the standard of duty. You must be able to engage with the community, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered. Being available to constituents and responsive to their concerns. This is not a 9 to 5 job and be prepared to be approachable at less than opportune times during your tenure.
Standard of Duty #4: Be a responsible steward of public resources.
Fiscal responsibility is an important part of being an elected official. Often times your choices may not be popular with some, but you are to oversee the finances for the everyone in the community and not a select few. Ensuring that public funds are managed responsibly, with an emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness. Regularly auditing finances and providing transparent financial reports to the public.
Standard of Duty #5: Protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.
The community looks to its elected leaders to ensure the general health and safety of the community is protected and prioritized in local decision-making. Supporting initiatives that promote the well-being of all citizens, particularly vulnerable populations, is paramount.
It’s important to remember that the term, “Standard of Duty,” describes an obligation to act with reasonable care and prudence to avoid harming others. This means acting in a way that a reasonable person would in similar circumstances. So when you join the elected ranks of our democracy be prepared to “fire this thing up” and uphold the standard of duty.
About the Author
David L. Anthony is a member of the Keystone Municipal Solutions team of experts. He is a veteran of municipal government, having served more than 33 years in various positions of public service. Contact him at david@keystonemunicipalsolutions.com. To learn more about David and the Keystone Municipal Solutions team, click here.